Plastic Surgery Personal Journey: Embracing your own journey

Oh, the plastic surgery! Like the friend who brings mixed emotions to parties. Some people love to tell stories of nips, tucks and other sexy things. Others? They would much rather talk about other things, thank you. Here’s the truth: plastic surgery doesn’t only belong on reality television or in gossip columns. Plastic surgery is a choice that people make, for a wide range of reasons. We should have a good chinwag Seattle Facial.

Let’s start by getting one thing straight: going under the blade isn’t just about chasing after fountains of youth or looking like the newest celeb crush. These reasons are valid, but there is another side. Imagine someone who has had to deal with serious health issues or accidents. Or maybe they just gave birth to a baby (props for you moms!) They may want to regain their confidence or feel more like themselves again.

Next, let’s talk about ethics and those pesky standards of beauty. People are quick to criticize the world of nips & tucks for making people feel inferior because they don’t meet some airbrushed standard. It’s understandable that when you see your Instagram feed full of perfect faces and bodies defying gravity, it makes you think about a few tweaks. A heart-to-heart conversation with your doctor is important – they can be part cheerleader and part reality checker.

Technology is a great way to enhance your appearance. This is stuff out of sci-fi films. 3D-printing for implants? Check. Check. You betcha. We’re living in a future where technology gives us greater control over our appearance and healing.

Spider-Man is to be commended for this one. Even though it’s tempting to try and achieve perfection using these new shiny tools, we need to ask ourselves some hard questions. What do we want to achieve with all these changes? Is it happiness or acceptance? Acceptance? A killer selfie?

Whenever you mention plastic surgery, people become experts. You’ll find that your neighbor’s aunt’s friend, who had plastic surgery done, knows exactly what you need to do. Advice should be taken with a pinch of salt. This journey is solely yours.

We shouldn’t forget that this isn’t cheap, nor are the procedures always easy. It’s possible that complications can occur; your wallet can feel lighter after the procedure. Saving money and researching the risks are as important as deciding what you want to change if you plan on taking the leap.

Let’s wrap up this chat (see how I did that? It doesn’t matter if you love plastic surgery or hate it. The most important thing is to feel comfortable in your skin, and to make changes for YOU, not someone else.

Go ahead and live your best possible life. Whether that means undergoing surgery or embracing the lines and wrinkles earned by frowning, laughing and giggling. You should always smile in the reflection when you see yourself. The thing that makes you unique is your confidence and perhaps even your wicked sense humor.

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